- - 回饋熱線:02-27730588
- - 客服專線:02-27730588
- - 社群媒體:海龍離岸風電Facebook 專頁(https://www.facebook.com/HaiLongOffshoreWindFarm/)
- - 網站:線上匿名回饋系統(下滑填表)
If you have any feedback regarding the environmental and social activities of the
Hai Long 2 and Hai Long 3 Offshore Wind Project, you can submit your feedback
through the following ways:
- - Grievance hotline (External): +886 (0) 2-27730588
- - Customer service hotline: +886 (0) 2-27730588
- - Social media: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/HaiLongOffshoreWindFarm/)
- - Website: online anonymous reporting system (the form below)
When submitting feedback, please provide your contact information together
with your feedback so our colleagues could reach out to you for any clarifications
on information and follow ups (e.g. propose a potential solution to you, inform
you the process of solution implementation). If you want to be anonymous,
please express it when submitting the feedback and provide how you wish us to
call you instead. The responses to anonymous feedback can be requested either
by phone, email or letter, if contact details are provided.
Grievance Procedure
Step 1: Receive, Register and Acknowledge the Grievance
Our colleagues should reach out to you with a verbal acknowledgement of
the receipt of the feedback within three (3) working days (phone call, text
message, or a meeting) and a written acknowledgement within seven (7)
working days (email, letter). The acknowledgement will include the grievance
number so you can use as reference to track the status of your feedback.
Step 2: Screen and Assess
When Hai Long receives any feedback, it will be screened and assessed
within seven (7) working days upon the written acknowledgement issuance.
If it is decided that a grievance is not valid, the grievance will be dismissed
and advice of the decision and the reasons for dismissal will be provided to
you in writing (and in person if required). Where applicable, Hai Long will
refer you to a government department, organisations, or judicial committee
within the local government.
Step 3: Investigate and Propose Solution
If the grievance is valid, Hai Long will further investigate the grievance and
propose resolution as soon as possible but no later than fourteen (14)
working days after screening and assessing the grievance. Then our
colleagues will contact you according to the contact information you provide
to discuss the outcomes of the investigation and the proposed resolution.
Step 3b: If You Do not Accept the Proposed Solution
If you do not accept the proposed solution, Hai Long will refer to the Project
Grievance Committee to facilitate an agreeable resolution within fourteen
(14) working days. The Project Grievance Committee will consist of the
Project Community Relations Manager, Social Team Lead and ESMS
Lead/Manager and may consist of Contractor Management Team Lead, HSSE
Team Lead, Environmental Team Lead and HR Manager as well as third party
representative(s) if required and applicable.
Step 4: Implement the Solution
After reaching consensus on the solution with you, Hai Long will implement
the agreed solution within twenty (20) working days and inform you as well
as confirm that you are satisfied with the resolution. For solutions that take
longer to address, Hai Long will inform you of the progress on a regular basis,
at least once per month or increased frequency agreed by you, until the
solution is completely implemented. Hai Long will inform you the completion
of the resolution and confirm with you that you are satisfied with the result
as well.
All the feedback Hai Long received will be documented. The communication
process and outcomes will be reviewed periodically to help drive the continual
improvement of Hai Long.
If you have any feedback regarding the environmental and social activities of the Hai Long 2 and Hai Long 3 Offshore Wind Project, please don’t hesitate to leave us your messages. We will get back to you soon! Thank you!